Mainly nonsense. The stuff about causation verges on the ridiculous.

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The debate over methane emissions rarely include how the break-down of methane in the atmosphere is altered. OH radicals play an important role and an increase of the the amount of OH radicals in the atmosphere will lead to that methane is oxidized into carbon dioxide. Water vapor, through reactions with ozone, is one of the most important sources of OH in the atmosphere. This means that the water cycle has indirect efftects on climate, over and above water vapor being a greenhouse gas by itself.

I belive it supports that we need to expand our view of global warming and integrate better the effects of LIFE on the climate over and above simple carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide balances.


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Carbon climate mythology covers-up true pollution: https://theconversation.com/us-military-is-a-bigger-polluter-than-as-many-as-140-countries-shrinking-this-war-machine-is-a-must-119269

Carbon climate mythology is GRetarded 🤪🤪🤪

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Thanks. I will check out this article.

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Very well said. Thankyou.

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Thank you!

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"Most of the rain that falls on land originates from trees and plants, and not from bodies of water."

Dust particles in the atmosphere form the catalyst for rainfall. See The Dust Detective

High Country News

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When you give somebody the name of a publication, how is that helpful?

Besides, I disagree. Dust particles are not condensation nuclei. They cause water vapor to be suspended in the atmosphere. This is the opposite of the desired effect.

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Do you have a link?

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Prather is an atmospheric chemist quite credentialed and cited. Contact her at Scripps in La Jolla.

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